European Union Twinning Project “Support to the Reform of the Criminal Asset Recovery and Management System in Azerbaijan”



EU-funded Twinning Project “Support to the Reform of the Criminal Asset Recovery and Management System in Azerbaijan” (No. AZ 20 ENI JH 01 21)

Project Leader

Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania (STT)

Project partners

Financial crime investigation service under the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Supreme court of Lithuania

General Prosecutor's Office

State Tax Inspectorate

Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau.

Project duration

24 months

Project budget

1,5 m. Eur

Project description

The ‘Support to the reform of the Criminal Asset Recovery and Management System in Azerbaijan’ project will last for two years and will be implemented jointly with the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan. A team of experts representing Lithuanian law enforcement agencies will work to develop a legislative and institutional framework and they will set up a fully-fledged asset recovery body in Azerbaijan in line with EU and international best practices. 


Last updated: 25-08-2023