The mission of the Financial Crime Investigation Service is to protect the state financial system by disclosing criminal actions and other violations of law.

The goal of the Financial Crime Investigation Service is to elaborate methods of combating criminal activities against the State financial system. Pursuing this goal FCIS takes an active part in the implementation of the National programme of crime prevention and control, the National programme of combating corruption, prepares the strategy of the public relations development of FCIS till 2010, by which it is striven to involve the society in the preventive activity against financial crimes. The Service pursues its goal implementing the operative measures, disclosing and conducting the pre-trial investigation and prevention of criminal acts, implementing the measures of combating money laundering, and the means, which warranty the legitimacy of the receiving and use of the financial support funds of the European Union and other countries, performing the expertise of one's commercial and financial activity and submitting the specialist's conclusion on it, as well as the measures, providing the possibility to recover the hidden taxes, striving that this activity would influence as much as possible the actual revenue payable to the state budget.

Presently the priority attention of the Service is paid to the disclosing, investigation and prevention of the criminal acts, related to the money laundering, VAT embezzlement, illegal receipt and use of the funds of the financial support from the European Union and foreign countries. These criminal acts make especially great damage to the state budget and form the negative image of the state.

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Last updated: 12-10-2023